Mighty Eagles - Logo

John F. Kennedy Alumni Association

Cleveland, Ohio

Submit Photos


  1. Respect other people. Do not any pictures that may be vulgar or otherwise disrespectful.
  2. Think before you post. Do not post photos you wouldn’t want everyone to see.
  3. If posting pictures with names, avoid using full names. First names are best.  When using full names, you are raising the risk of classmates becoming identity theft victims.
  4. You are allowed to upload only 4MB with this form and that includes videos.
  5. You can submit the following file types – .jpg, .gif, .png, .mp4 and zip files.
  6. If you choose to submit photos via Dropbox make sure you share the file with support@jfkclealumni.org.
  7. If you have any problems please let us know at support@jfkclealumni.org